Congratulations to Kaya Howell on being selected our March Dancer of the Month!
Kaya has an infectious personality and it’s easy to see how she has earned the affection of her teachers and classmates. We have loved watching Kaya grow as both a dancer and a young lady. She comes to class every day ready to work hard and be the best dancer she can be. She is quick to smile and laugh, putting others at ease, and she remains positive at all times. Her most recent success int he classroom has happened during our “pullback challenge” where each student is asked to perfectly complete a series of single leg pullbacks both down and back the dance floor. This is a challenge for both the introductory and advanced students and Kaya has gotten further than any other student to date. Keep up the great work Kaya!
Here are a few fun facts about this months honoree:
Nickname: Kit-Kat
Favorite Color: Coral!!!
Favorite School Subject: Science/Choir
Favorite Restaurant: Texas Road House
Favorite Candy/Food: M&Ms and Steak
Favorite Sport: Does dance count?
Favorite Dance Style: Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap
Why do you dance? I like dancing to express my emotions and I love, love, love being on stage
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be: an actress on Broadway, a designer, and an astronomer (they study stars)
If you could meet anyone in the world who world who would it be? I would want to meet Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., or Rosa Parks…. They’re AMAZING!